
Dr. Roslyn Sofer Receives Marilyn Moffat Award For Distinguished Service

New York Physical Therapy Association Recognizes Touro Physical Therapy Professor with Its Highest Award

July 02, 2015
Dr. Roslyn Sofer

New York, N.Y. - Dr. Roslyn Sofer, Assistant Professor in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Touro College School of Health Sciences (SHS), was a recent recipient of the 2015 Dr. Marilyn Moffat Award for Distinguished Service. The award recognizes members of the New York Physical Therapy Association (NYPTA) who have made an outstanding contribution, and demonstrated consistent service to the physical therapy (PT) profession. It is the highest award given by the NYPTA.


Dr. Sofer has been with Touro College since 1985. She received a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy from Columbia University, a doctoral degree in Physical Therapy from Touro College, and a Ph.D. in Health Education and Research from Trident University International.

Dr. Sofer is owner/director of Community Physical Therapy in Forest Hills, Queens and has held positions with Staten Island Visiting Nurse Association, Coney Island Hospital, the Beit Lowenstein Rehabilitation Center in Israel, and the Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine in Manhattan. She is the author of several publications and has conducted presentations, workshops, extensive research in the applications of PT in cases of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular dysfunction. 

Dr. Louis Primavera, Dean of SHS, recognizes Dr. Sofer, “as an important person to the discipline of physical therapy. “She has made significant contributions to the success of Touro’s School of Health Sciences. She is a superb teacher and mentor, and we are proud to have her as part of our team,” he said.

The award is so named for Dr. Marilyn Moffat, a recognized leader in the United States and internationally as a practitioner, teacher, consultant, and an author in the field of physical therapy. Dr. Moffat is currently a full professor of physical therapy at New York University.     

Dr. Sofer was surprised and honored to receive the Dr. Marilyn Moffat award. “My personal joy has always been derived from being part of my patients’ recovering from their particular condition(s), and my students telling me how they put to use the concepts that I taught in class.

“I take great pride in knowing that people who I ushered into the profession of physical therapy are now department heads, chairpersons of academic programs, authors, national and state leaders in our professional organization or excellent clinicians,” she said.

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