Six Minutes with...Chaya Goldman

Icebreaker Conversations with the Mental Health Counseling Class of 2015

September 11, 2014
Chaya Goldman

The current students in Touro's Mental Health Counseling (MHC) program range in age, background, and lifestyle, but they all share a desire to become excellent mental health counselors. Our students have a commitment to community service and a passion for improving the lives of those around them. Take a few seconds to learn why Chaya chose MHC. 

‌Name: Chaya Goldman

Hometown: Baltimore, MD

Why Touro for MHC? Touro’s classes are very practical; they’re geared toward technique, assessment, and diagnosing. We’re learning theories that mental health professionals utilize on a day-to-day basis.

Most rewarding moment: It was during my internship as a residence manager at an adult mental health home in Brooklyn this semester. Especially in this field, seeing progress is not a common occurrence. But when you do witness it, it helps you remember why you’re doing this.

Favorite classroom lesson: When running a group therapy session, don’t lead. Take a seat back and let the group talk among themselves. (Professor Seth Langley)