Latest News
Broadway\'s Go-To Physical Therapist
From the Lion King to Moulin Rouge, School of Health Sciences Alumna Helps Performers Stay Stage-Ready
Building Human Capital at Deloitte
Touro Alum Helps Employees Grow and Organizations Thrive as an I-O Psychologist
To Enhance Quality of Life for NYC’s Underserved Elderly, DPT Students “ViBE”
DPT Faculty at Touro School of Health Sciences Create ViBE Initiative to Promote Independence for Older Adults While Providing Invaluable Training for Students
Riding Towards Independence
School of Health Sciences’ Dr. Remeshwar (Rem) Narain on Hippotherapy’s Effect on Children
PA students on the #LongIsland campus explored many #CareerOptions at their #CareerFair in November! #GoingPlaces #WatchUsSoar #PAsGoBeyond
The semester is wrapping up, which means exams are on their way! PT student Salmah Hassan offers some tips and tricks on how to balance school and life. 📝 #WorkLifeBalance #Finals #StudyTips
What are you #thankful for? #Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and #TouroSHS students are thankful for friends, family, and more! 🦃💙😍 #HappyThanksgiving
Champions! 16 PA programs from across #NewYorkState competed in a #MedicalChallengeBowl at the @NYSSPA (NY State Society of Physician Associates) 2024 conference in Saratoga, NY a few week ago, and our amazing #TouroPA #LongIsland students took first place!!! Student participants were Chaya Greenwald '25, Angelinna Bradfield '26, Katherine Lee '26, and Lucas Quelle '26. Congrats!! 🥇