
Where Touro SHS Graduates Work Now

Why Choose Touro SHS? For Starters, Our Graduates Go Places Far and Wide

August 25, 2020
doctor and patient

It's a stat that never gets old for us: Over 99% of Touro SHS graduates who pass their licensing and certification exams find employment within six months. So where are they working exactly?

A leading healthcare institution without the hefty price tag, Touro SHS has a reputation for producing graduates who have just as much compassion and character as they do the hard skills. We also partner with over 300 healthcare facilities throughout the New York area where students complete fieldwork and clinical rotations, and often, end up starting their careers.

For in-depth stories about our alumni, you can sift through this blog for days and read about a Touro DPT alum who's working with PGA Tour pros, an OT grad who's making a difference as a mentor on a new platform, or a former pro football player who found his true calling. 

The stories are plentiful and insightful, but if you're looking to simply scan a list of employers who hired SHS grads, we got you covered right here.

In no particular order, here's just a handful of places across the country where you'll currently find Touro SHS grads—from head coaches to healthcare educators to nurses to OTs and beyond—working hard to improve the lives of others:

And there's more where that came from! Want to be connected with an alum? Let us know and we'll get you in touch with someone who graduated from the academic department you're exploring.  

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