Jill Horbacewicz, PT, MA, PhD
Chair, PT Programs (DPT, OPTR, PPDPT)
School of Health SciencesDirectorAssociate ProfessorSchool of Health Sciences - Doctor of Physical Therapy

- BS, PT, New York University
- MA, Pathokinesiology, New York University
- PhD, TUI University
Areas of Expertise
Musculoskeletal physical therapy, muscle imbalances
Musculoskeletal/Neuromuscular assessment techniques and interventions, core values of physical therapists and physical therapy students
Professional Service
- Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy, item writer
Memberships and Affiliations
- APTA member, member of education section
- Member of Academic Administrators SIG, New York Academic Administrators SIG
Teaching Responsibilities
- HS 402 Anatomy (Palpation)
- DPT 619 Kinesiology
- Coordinator of DPT 664 Professional Service
- Coordinator of HS 668 Community Service