Fall Admission: 2-Year Sequence
2-Year Plan of Study
MNHN 600 - Foundations of Mental Health Counseling and Consultation (3 Credits)
This course is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the foundations of Clinical Mental Health Counseling, the history of the profession, the scope of practice, licensing requirements, ethical concerns, and an introduction to Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Consultation approaches. Counselors-in-Training (CITs) will learn about accessing community resources, the role of case management in treatment, various certification options, the role of the counselor in various settings, and the role of supervision in client and counselor care. The resources and care of various clients will also be addressed; including (but not limited to): addiction, trauma, respect for the individual, chronic illness, forensic considerations, and disability.
MNHN 620 - Human Growth and Development in Counseling (3 Credits)
This course focuses on the theories of human development across the lifespan, how those theories stand up to the latest research and their application to real world settings. It lays the foundation for how the individual develops from conception through old age and gives insight to what the developmental factors are in normal and abnormal development with relation to socialization, cognition and physical development. The course introduces the student to theories of learning, personality development, etiology of addictions and addictive behaviors, and provides a general framework for understanding differing abilities and strategies for differentiated interventions. There is a focus on ethical strategies for promoting resilience and optimum development and wellness across the lifespan.
MNHN 630 - Counseling I: Theories and Practice (3 Credits)
This course covers evidence-based cognitive and behavioral counseling theories and techniques as they relate to assessment, case conceptualization and treatment approaches. Counselors-in-Training (CITs) will be introduced to Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive- Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and more. Lectures will stress theory and case conceptualization. Exercises will address both theory and application. CITs will participate in class exercises that will include operationalizing the problem, relevant interviewing and assessment, case conceptualization, treatment planning, practicing specific techniques (in the roles of therapist and client), and considering high-risk factors. CITs will develop an understanding of the ethical and practical methods of utilizing these theoretical approaches and techniques among a wide range of clients, including those with histories of trauma, addiction, and chronic health complications.
This course partners with Counseling II: Theories & Practice, which covers psychodynamic approaches, to provide a firm foundation in contemporary counseling theories and techniques. These courses provide CITs with the basis upon which to explore their personal theory and unique style of counseling in preparation for professional clinical practice.
MNHN 640 - Professional, Legal and Ethical Issues in Counseling (3 Credits)
This course provides an overview of the major legislative decisions that have influenced the practices of psychology and counseling, a review of the federal and state laws regulating the practice of counseling, and an introduction to the principles of professional ethical conduct as outlined by the American Counseling Association, CASAC Canon of Ethics, and other related professional organizations. Additionally, Counselors-in-Training (CITs) will address contemporary professional and practice issues, emphasizing the rules and regulations pertaining to professional conduct and the scope of practice for counselors. Legal and ethical responsibilities of counselors are examined as they apply to such topics as: respectful individualized care, risk management, addictions, crisis intervention and chronic medical conditions. The role of clinical supervision, ethical decision-making, technology, counselor violations, and integrating with community resources will be discussed.
MNHN 611 - Research and Program Evaluation (3 Credits)
Introduction to principles, concepts and operations that are necessary for an understanding of individual and group assessment, and of empirical research methodology; derivation of standard scores and other attributes of normative test construction; correlation; reliability; validity; presentation of data in tables and graphs; descriptive statistics and their computation; fundamentals of inferential statistics, including comparison of mean differences by t-tests, simple analysis of variance; chi-square; individual differences and their measurement; and reading and interpreting research reports.
MNHN 632 - Counseling II: Theories and Practice (3 Credits)
This course will focus on psychodynamic techniques which remain widely used in private and institutional practice, especially in outpatient settings. A thorough understanding of these techniques and the underlying theories is an essential component of graduate training. At a minimum, the course would cover Psychoanalytic, Psychodynamic, Existential, Gestalt, and short-term psychodynamic approaches Lectures will stress theory and case conceptualization. Exercises will address both theory and application. Counselors-in-Training (CITs) will participate in class exercises that will include operationalizing the problem, case conceptualization, treatment planning, practicing specific techniques (in the roles of therapist and client), and considering special issues for certain clients.
MNHN 681 - Psychopathology (3 Credits)
The course provides an in-depth review of a broad spectrum of psychopathological conditions as defined in the DSM-5. This review will include the etiology of the disorder, prevalence, signs and symptoms, and criteria for diagnosis. Specific attention will be directed to the process of assessing a client for diagnostic criteria, intake interviewing, and appropriate/ethical documentation of diagnostic determinations, impact of substances and medical conditions, and trauma. All levels of the DSM-5 documentation system will be reviewed and practiced, as well as a strong emphasis on the differential diagnosis process, particularly as it applies to substances, medical condition, addiction, and individualized care. As applicable, empirical literature will be introduced and discussed as it applies to our current understanding of psychopathology and best practices. This class will consist of lecture presentations of basic concepts, class discussions, and practice activities. Every attempt will be made to ensure that this course is both informative and practical for professional applications.
MNHN 702 - Case Conceptualization, Documentation and Practicum (3 Credits)
This course integrates basic intake and information-gathering techniques, documentation, and case conceptualization with a practical fieldwork experience. Within the classroom setting, Counselors-in-Training (CITs) will learn the skills of intake interviewing, psychosocial screenings, documentation writing (biopsychosocial, treatment planning and progress notes), referral needs, and case management. CITs will integrate addiction and other specialty screenings, mental status exams, medical data, and client history to form treatment plans and biopsychosocial reports. Added into every class session is 1.5 hours of group supervision.
In the field, CITs will participate in a placement experience of a minimum of 100 hours of counselor-related experiences. This will include 75 clock hours of on-site experience, comprising at least 40 hours of direct client contact, 15 hours of on-site individual or dyadic supervision, and 20 hours of indirect client contact opportunities. An additional 25 hours of in-class group supervision is required.
MNHN 691 - Counseling the Whole Person: Theory and Practice (3 Credits)
This course is designed to provide an overview of the history, theories, and issues related to providing respectful individualized counseling services. Counselors-in-Training (CITs) will be introduced to a wide variety of opportunities to review relevant content, as well as explore the unique responses of clients to various psychosocial stressors, including addiction, trauma, and chronic medical conditions. CITs will develop skills to communicate with a wide range of clients, while cultivating their own self-awareness and worldview. CITs will be encouraged to build knowledge of individualized client differences as these may impact the counseling process and potential ethical conflicts. CITs will also be introduced to various referral sources, assessment consideration, and case management services.
MNHN 678 - Lifestyle and Career Development (3 Credits)
This course provides a comprehensive overview of theoretical and practical aspects of career development across the lifespan. Major career development theories will be presented, as well as treatment implications for counseling and psycho-educational interventions. Particular attention will be directed to a review of current theories of career development, the implications of existing counseling theories in career development and exploration, integration of career counseling into practice, and career counseling for a wide range of clients. The use of career assessments and technology will also be addressed.
MNHN 692 - Group Counseling Theory and Practice (3 Credits)
The course provides an overview of the issues involved in Group Psychotherapy and Counseling. Counselors-in-Training (CITs) will explore and practice various counseling group techniques. CITs will be introduced to facilitator roles, group therapeutic factors, basic group skills, stages of group development, and integrate them with decision-making, problem-solving, and conflict resolution.
MNHN 638 - Principles of Addiction Counseling (3 Credits)
This course will provide Counselors-in-Training (CITs) with a broad understanding of the field of addiction and addiction counseling, and its history. The etiology, diagnosis, and variety of treatment interventions for addictions and co-occurring disorders will be explored, as well as various assessment and treatment tools. CITs will gain an understanding of the connection between addiction and psychopathology, the role of psychopharmacology, the scope of addiction, the role of biology, substance classes, and the relative impact of these on the psychosocial well-being of the individual.
MNHN 683 - Assessment and Appraisal of Individuals, Couples, Families and Groups (3 Credits)
This unique course integrates different perspectives in individual and group assessment while providing an overview of the complex dynamics involved in the assessment and appraisal of individuals, couples, families and groups. Counselors-in-Training (CITs) focus on the different processes involved in assessing the needs of these individuals/groups as well as the provision of counseling and the different counseling techniques. Special attention given via practical and lecture activities to address special issues such as: intake screening, substance abuse, addictive behaviors, high-risk behaviors, readiness for change and additional referral needs.
MNHN 706 - Advanced Counseling Skills and Techniques (3 Credits)
This course is designed to offer a balance between theory and practice. In addition to mastering the material presented through the readings, lectures and discussions, Counselors-in-Training (CITs) will be actively engaged in the learning process through simulated clinical experiences. CITs will be introduced to a variety of techniques through the observation and critique of videotapes of master clinicians, in-class role plays, taping and transcription of interviews, and in-class demonstrations. The CIT’s own personal growth, self-insight, and self-awareness will be an integral component to this course.
MNHN 770 - Internship I (4.5 Credits)
Counselors-in-Training (CITs) complete 20 to 25 hours per week (300 hours total) of clinical practice in a community placement while continuing to come to class for support, consultation, and further training. Interns receive a minimum of one hour per week of individual supervision by a licensed mental health professional. Eligibility for this course requires having satisfactorily completed all other coursework in the Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program and the approval of the chair.
MNHN 694 - Contemporary Issues in Couples and Family Therapy (3 Credits)
The course introduces Family Systems theory and explores the ways in which families and couples interact and develop. The course further addresses the interactions between family members, especially within a variety of contexts, and its impact on mental health and wellness.
MNHN 705 - Advanced Addiction Counseling and Techniques (3 Credits)
This course will examine advanced substance abuse counseling and techniques, with a focus on the application of various evidence-based intervention techniques within various treatment venues. Counselors-in-Training (CITs)will explore the impact of addiction on the family, medical well-being, mental health, and engagement of clients. Issues of toxicity, medication interventions, various treatment modalities, assessments and screenings, treatment planning and outcome measurement will be addressed. The course learning activities will include observational activities, demonstrations, and role-playing of advanced counseling skills.
MNHN 771 - Internship II (4.5 Credits)
Counselors-in-Training (CITs) complete an additional 300 hours as outlined in MNHN 770 Internship I.
MNHN 693 - Trauma and Crisis Intervention: Theory, Response Models and Techniques (3 Credits)
This course covers the theory, response models and techniques used in assessing and treating trauma and crisis-response issues among a wide range of clients. Counselors-in-training (CITs) will learn skills of identification, intervention, and treatment of people experiencing traumatic stress, through the use of individual and group work. Special issues that impact vulnerability (e.g.: addictions, social supports, chronic illness) are also reviewed. This course will also explore the impact of trauma on the counselor, issues of compassion fatigue, secondary trauma, and counselor wellness and self-care.