BS – DNP Course Sequence
Spring Semester Start, 80 credits, 3 years full time
This course provides an in-depth understanding of pharmacology across all physiological systems. Mechanism of general drug actions provides a framework for discussion of content-specific drugs. Includes 3 hours of required laws and prescription writing (3 credits).
This course examines abnormal biological processes that result in health deviations affecting individuals and families as a basis for nursing primary care management (3 credits).
This course presents theories and methods of comprehensive assessment of clients across the life span, including physical, psychosocial, and pathophysiological signs and symptoms; refinement of ability to utilize sophisticated techniques to assess, identify, and differentiate deviations from normal; incorporate cultural and developmental variations and needs of client. (2 credits, didactic; 1 credit, 45 hours lab) (3 credits).
This course presents fundamental statistical approaches employed in clinical research. Students learn how statistical techniques are applied to clinical data and practice, enabling them to analyze, present, and interpret population health data (3 credits).
Using a Nursing Science Framework, this course stresses promotion and maintenance of levels of wellness, protection of health, and prevention of illness of children in families, groups and communities, as well as early detection, treatment and symptom management of selected minor and major health problems. Intervention and health care protocols emphasizing the control and/or resolution of the acute phase are included. Supervised practicum in a variety of primary health care and acute care settings provides for implementing clinical decision making and intervention strategies within the context of advanced practice. (2 credits, didactic; 4 credits, clinical 180 hours) (6 credits). Prerequisites: NUR 700, NUR 701, NUR 702
This course emphasizes the understanding of cultural differences, values, belief systems and practices that are specific to various populations and cultures. Models of health promotion/disease prevention are analyzed. Strategies to enhance global awareness of health populations in order to provide culturally competent and culturally sensitive Nursing care are discussed (3 credits).
This course introduces theoretical frameworks for advanced practice modalities, and the interrelationships of theory, research, and practice. Theoretical models that serve as the foundation for family interventions and therapy are emphasized, as well as major Nursing theories, systems theories, and transcultural theories (3 credits).
This course provides for in-depth review and analysis of genetic influences and determinants affecting the health of individuals, families, and communities. It familiarizes the student with the scientific study of complex diseases and diagnostic methods, treatments, and therapies for these conditions. The course focuses on the use of data to support decision making to improve the health of individuals and populations. Approaches to generating clinically relevant data and utilizing data from clinical information systems are addressed. Ethical, legal, and social implications of genomic knowledge are appraised (3 credits).
Using a Nursing Science Framework, this course stresses promotion and maintenance of levels of wellness, protection of health and prevention of illness of adults and older adults in families, groups and communities, as well as early detection, treatment, and symptom management of selected minor and major health problems of adults and older adults in families, and groups and communities. Intervention and health care protocols emphasizing the control and/or resolution of the acute phase are included. Supervised practicum in a variety of primary health care and acute care settings provides for implementing clinical decision-making and intervention strategies within the context of advanced practice.(2 credits, didactic; 4 credits, clinical 180 hours) (6 credits). Prerequisite: NUR 800
This course introduces qualitative, quantitative, and other research methods, including problem identification, levels of research, design, data collection and strategies for analyzing data. Students analyze research that has relevance for evidence-based, advanced Nursing practice (3 credits). Prerequisites: NUR 703, NUR 704)
This course provides students with the knowledge of how information systems and technology can support scholarly modes of advanced practice to improve and transform health care (2 credits).
This course focuses on primary care for all family members. Content stresses acute, chronic and/or rehabilitation interventions, care management strategies, and protocols for selected health problems of children/adults/older adults in families, groups and communities. A preceptor supervised practicum, emphasizing case management, provides for experiences in clinical decision making, intervention, and management strategies within the context of the advanced practice nursing role. (2 credits, didactic; 4 credits, clinical 180 hours) (6 credits). Prerequisite: NUR 801
This course provides students with the financial management tools needed to analyze financial statements and cost considerations in health care and to employ effective methods for initiating change within health care systems (3 credits)
The course examines research principles and evidence-based practice process and the knowledge and skills necessary for translation of evidence into advanced clinical practice. Emphasis is also on critical appraisal skills essential to meaningful translation of scientific evidence into practice that ensures high quality care for clients resulting in optimal outcomes. (3 credits) Prerequisites: NUR 706, NUR 802
This course reviews the identification and critical analysis of major population health issues in health planning and policy making, with a focus on the societal and organizational context of Nursing services across various health care settings. Cases and current trends are emphasized (3 credits).
This course addresses the underlying historical, philosophical and theoretical perspectives in ethics that impact advanced Nursing practice. Students examine leadership roles for advanced practice nurses within the context of ethical decision-making (2 credits).
This course focuses on improving individual and population health outcomes through the use of descriptive and epidemiologic principles and advanced nursing science in health promotion and disease management. Measures of disease frequency (prevalence, incidence) and association (odds and risk ratios), causality and confounding, and epidemiological designs are examined and applied in the areas of clinical prevention and population health (3 credits). Prerequisite: NUR 700, NUR 701, NUR 705
This course builds upon an introductory knowledge of nursing theory and the ability to analyze and evaluate selected theoretical models within nursing. Students critically evaluate, compare, and contrast relevant theoretical approaches for utilization in advanced nursing practice. Using theory as a guide, students develop their theoretical model using clinically relevant strategies aimed at improving health and/or health care. (3 credits) Prerequisites: NUR 712, NUR 803
This orientation provides an overview of the clinical practicums for NUR 805, 806, 807(0 Credit, 5 clinical hours).
This practicum course provides the student a beginning opportunity for directed practice experiences with healthcare experts. The course focuses on identifying a clinical problem, developing a feasibility study, and designing a strategic plan within the context of the organization. The emphasis is on application rather than statistical theory. (1 credit, didactic, 3 credits, clinical. 135 clinical hours) 4 credits Prerequisites: NUR 804
This course addresses the leadership role of the advanced practice nurse within healthcare organizations to affect change and ensure quality improvement, with a focus on inter- and intra-professional collaboration. Students explore strategies for managing complex issues related to health care systems and delivery based on nursing, organizational, political, and economic sciences. Learners examine policies to determine current and future needs of vulnerable populations. (3 hours)
This practicum course provides the student with continued opportunities for directed practice experiences with healthcare experts. The learner builds upon advanced specialty knowledge and skills at increasing levels of complexity. In collaboration with faculty and practice experts, the student designs, implements, evaluates, and disseminates the DNP Scholarly Project. Enrollment in this course will be repeated in the subsequent semester until requirements for the DNP capstone project are met. (2 credits, didactic, 4 credits, clinical 180 clinical hours) (6 credits). Prerequisite: NUR 805 (Practicum I)
This practicum course involves the continuation of the practice and quality improvement initiative begun in DNP Practicum I and DNP Practicum II. The DNP program culminates in the successful completion of a scholarly project that demonstrates synthesis of the student’s work and lays the groundwork for future scholarship. This substantive project should make a significant, evidence-based contribution to existing nursing knowledge. (2 credits didactic, 4 credits, clinical 180 clinical hours) (6 credits). Prerequisites: NUR 806 (Practicum II)