Leon Kirschner, OTD, MPH, ATP, CBIS, c/NDT

Clinical Specialty
- Pediatrics
- Accessibility/Inclusivity- environmental
- Evaluation and Functional Assessment
- Assistive Technology
- Brain Injury
- OTD, Boston University, Boston, MA 2020
- MPH, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 2010
- BS, Occupational Therapy, State University of New York Downstate Medical, 2000
- BS, Exercise Science, Rutgers University, 1993
Honors and Awards
- Columbia University Fieldwork Supervisor of the Year Award, June 2016
- Development and Use of Typology for Environmental/Contextual Factors Affecting Participation
- Development and use of Alternate Methods Needs Assessments for Families of Children with Disabilities who have Low Literacy
- Evaluator for Functional Assessments in Efficacy Studies for Commonly Utilized OT Interventions
Recent Publications
Submitted and Accepted, to be published shortly: “Uncovering the Obstacles: A Typology of Environmental and Contextual Factors Affecting Occupational Participation”
Kirschner, L. & Desport, B., (2017). Using A Photo-based Interview Process To Identify Barriers To Community Participation. AOTA Developmental Disabilities SIS Quarterly Practice Connections, 2, 2-4. 201
Kirschner, L. , Ayoob, K. & Barressi, I. (2016). When a Child Can’t “Just Eat It” EITI Newsletter, Summer 2016
Whitcomb, D., Mensah, N., Kirschner, L., Sanchez, L., & McAllister, T. (2017, January). International academy of hope: A proposed model for the education and rehabilitation of children with acquired brain injury. In BRAIN INJURY(Vol. 31, No. 6-7, pp. 849-849). 530 WALNUT STREET, STE 850, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 USA: TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC
Professional Service
- Annual Reviewer Proposals for American Occupational Therapy Association Conference
Teaching Responsibilities
- OTHN 675: Advanced Theory and Practice
- HSBN 651- Administration and Healthcare Delivery
- Development of 710: Justice and Healthcare for Doctoral Program