Occupational Therapy BS/MS
Louis Dmytryk, PP-OTD, OTR/L, RT (R) (ARRT)
Assistant ProfessorSchool of Health Sciences - Occupational Therapy MS

Clinical Specialty
- Performance Analysis
- Home and Community Health
- Adult Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
- Post-Professional Occupational Therapy Doctorate, Thomas Jefferson University
- Master of Science Health Science in Clinical Practice Management, George Washington University
- Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy, State University of New York Downstate Health Science Center at Brooklyn
- Associate in Applied Science in Radiologic Technology, Nassau Community College
Honors and Awards
- Hofstra University Fieldwork Supervisor Award: Conferred by the occupational therapy faculty to a distinguished clinical educator who has made an outstanding contribution to the fieldwork education of the students in the program, 2020
- Catholic Home Care Living the Mission Award: for aligning practice with the mission and vision of Catholic Health Services of Long Island, 2018
- Charles Hospital Rebuilding Dreams Award: For exceptional clinical practice, patient care, and interdisciplinary collaboration, 2010
- Touro College Occupational Therapy Clinician Award: For outstanding supervision and leadership of students as well as the intervention to the clients at Brunswick Hospital, 2005
- New York Institute of Technology Outstanding Clinical Educator: Awarded to clinical educators who have made an outstanding contribution to the fieldwork education of NYIT students, 2005
- Radiation protection procedures during video-fluoroscopic swallow studies: Guidelines for occupational therapists who participate in the medical imaging of dysphagia
Recent Publications
- Dmytryk, L.F. (2023, Oct 11). Occupational therapy's role in disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction. Hofstra University Faculty Research Day Poster Presentation.
- Dmytryk, L.F. (2023). Occupational therapy's role in disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction: Addressing the emergency preparedness needs of people with disabilities. SIS Quarterly Practice Connections. Retrieved November 1, 2023, from https://www.aota.org/publications/sis-quarterly/home-community-health-sis/hchsis-11-23
- Dmytryk, L.F. (2022). Entry-level occupational therapy electronic health record education model. SIS Quarterly Practice Connections, 7(2), 10–13.
- Akselrud, R. and Dmytryk, L.F. (2019). Bringing fieldwork to home and community-based care. SIS Quarterly Practice Connections, 4(4), 12–14.
- Toth-Cohen, S., Zapletal, A., and Dmytryk, L.F. (2017, Oct 28). A beginner’s guide to implementing the EMR into OT curricula: Start to finish. American Occupational Therapy Association Education Summit, Fort Worth TX.
- Zapletal, A., Dmytryk, L.F., and Toth-Cohen, S. (2017, April 1). Implementing an electronic health record: Student perceptions and lessons learned. American Occupational Therapy Association Conference Poster Presentation, Philadelphia, PA.
- Dmytryk, L.F. and DeAngelis, T.M. (2017). Awareness and use of electronic health records in entry-level occupational therapy and occupational therapy assistant curricula. Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 5(2), 1-12. http://dx.doi.org/10.15453/2168-6408.1311
Professional Service
- American Occupational Therapy Association Emergency Response & Disaster Management Community of Practice Member
Memberships and Affiliations
- National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Inc. (NBCOT)
- American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)
- New York State Occupational Therapy Association (NYSOTA)
- American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT)
- American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT)
Teaching Responsibilities
- OTHN333: Brain, Behavior and Occupation