Withdrawal Policy

Key withdrawal dates and deadlines by semester.


100% refund before semester begins
100% refund during add/drop period
50% refund during the first week following add/drop
No refund after the first week following add/drop

Summer sessions running longer than 8 weeks follow a Fall policy.


100% refund before classes begin
100% refund during add/drop period
50% refund during the first week following add/drop 
No refund after the first week following add/drop


100% refund before and including first day of classes
No refund after first day of classes


100% refund before classes begin
100% refund during add/drop period
50% refund during the first week following add/drop
No refund after the first week following add/drop

When a student in receipt of Title IV funds withdraws from school, a federal recalculation takes place. You may obtain a copy of these regulations from the Financial Aid office.

If a student has not paid full tuition and fees for the term in which the withdrawal takes place, they must pay the proportionate amount noted above before leaving the University. The withdrawal date is the date that the Registrar receives notification of withdrawal.