Continuing Education Courses for Physical Therapists
We offer our degree courses as continuing education courses. You can take classes in research, management, orthopedics, modalities, Parkinson’s, cultural competence, nutrition, and more, and all with our experienced faculty.
Courses are open to physical therapy assistants (PTA) as well as physical therapists (PT).
Start and end times of class may vary slightly. You will receive detailed course information through CANVAS once registered.
How to Apply
Register for a course at apply.touro.edu/ppdptce. Once registered, you’ll be assigned a Touro ID and email and will pay and take the course through the TouroOne portal.
Fall 2024 Continuing Education Course Schedule
In Person Courses Offered
DPTN 515 - Principles and Methods of Evidence-Based Practice
Course Date: Sunday, September 1, 2024, 9 am to 5 pm
Instructor: Melinda Stoski PT, DPT, MS, OCS, CCI, CPI, CYT
1.6 CEU / $200
Location: On campus (Central Islip, Long Island)
Introduces the concept of evidence-based practice and explores this concept as it relates to clinical practice. Strategies for development of this type of practice are examined, including introduction and maintenance of an evidence-based practice in various settings. Students critically analyze available scientific evidence, utilize the principles of evidence-based practice to evaluate a patient case, integrate research evidence and clinical expertise into patient care, demonstrate skill in the use of technology to locate research evidence, and efficiently initiate and carry out a web-based search.
DPTN 524 - Clinical Instructor Credentialing
Course Dates: Sunday, January 12, 2025, and Monday, January 13, 2025, 9 am to 5 pm
Instructor: Farica Bialstock, PT, DPT, MS
1.6 CEU / $200 + PLUS APTA REG Fee
Location: On campus (Central Islip, Long Island)
The Credentialed Clinical Instructor Program (CCIP) provides clinicians with the skills and information necessary to provide a structured learning environment and enhanced educational experience for students. Course content reflects an interdisciplinary approach to experiential learning methods, with an emphasis on didactic content related to clinical teaching, supervision, and evaluation. Participants are expected to understand and integrate the behaviors and traits of highly effective educators, role models, and mentors into their performance as a clinical instructor.
DPTN 534 - Integration of Modalities into Clinical Decision Making
Course Dates: Sunday, November 10, 2024, and Monday, November 11, 2024, 9 am to 5 pm
Primary Instructor: Christopher Voltmer, PT, DPT, PhD, NCS, MSCS
1.6 CEU / $200
Location: On campus (Central Islip, Long Island)
This course is a hands-on course designed to provide the student with guidance and direction in comprehending therapeutic modalities and choosing appropriate modalities and parameters for a variety of patients and pathological conditions. Students will review the basic scientific and physiological principles underlining the application of physical agents. Students will be able to effectively utilize therapeutic modalities to enhance therapeutic outcomes, recognize indications and contraindications and learn about current research supporting the use of therapeutic modalities in rehabilitation. The course will emphasize evidence-based rationale for selecting a modality and for the interventions. Various types of symptom clusters will be presented, and participants will be able to develop a highly effective treatment plan for specific conditions.
DPTN 594 - Management and Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease
Course Dates: Sunday, January 5, 2025, and Monday January 6, 2025, 9 am to 5 pm
Instructor: Christopher Voltmer, PT, DPT, PhD, NCS, MSCS
1.6 CEU / $200
Location: On campus (Central Islip, Long Island)
This course addresses the evolution of the management and treatment of a patient following the development of hemiplegia. The goal of the course is to help the physical therapist in creating a realistic and unique approach to treating an individual with hemiplegia. Recent trends in rehabilitation will be explored. The most clinically significant current research will be discussed, and when appropriate demonstration with practice will be provided. Teaching will take place via lecture, group activity, literature search and laboratory practice, the student will learn the theories and applications of these processes.
DPTN 530 - Management II: PT in Private Practice
Course Dates: Sunday, September 15, 2024, and Monday, September 16, 2024, 9 am to 5 pm
Instructor: Michael Langino, MPT, MBA
1.6 CEU / $200
Location: On campus (Central Islip, Long Island)
This course is aimed at providing the participant with a theoretical basis of successful management principles as well as practical implementation strategies for these principles as they apply to the field of Physical Therapy. The course will include emphasis in the following areas:
- Regulatory and public policy issues.
- Healthcare Reimbursement /Trends
- Marketing Theory
- Quality Improvement
- APTA / Public Policy
DPTN 575 - Geriatric Nutrition
Course Dates: Sunday, September 8, 2024, and Monday, September 9, 2024, 9 am to 4 pm
Instructor:Christine Hahl, RD
1.6 CEU / $200
Location: On campus (Central Islip, Long Island)
This course is designed for students in physical therapy who may work with older adults and the geriatric population. Students will develop a basic understanding of nutritional concerns in the aging population. This course will: Introduce students to the biological changes of the body during the aging process, help students to identify dietary practices and nutritional needs specific to older individuals as it relates to different disease progressions, allow students to develop interventions needed by health practitioners to promote successful aging, provide a foundation for students to facilitate counseling to older adults to minimize disease impact through nutrition interventions.
DPTN 598 - Treatment and Prevention of Wounds
Course Dates: Sunday, September 29, 2024, and Monday, September 30, 2024, 9 am to 5 pm
Instructor:Rufino Singson, PT
1.6 CEU / $200
Location: On campus (Central Islip, Long Island)
This course is a clinical course designed to provide the PDPT student with the knowledge, skills, and analytical abilities to examine, evaluate, diagnose, formulate a plan of care with prognosis, and manage patients with integument disorders such as impaired integument integrity, burns, edema, and sensory deficits. A thorough exploration of connective tissue layers, connective tissue repair, and wound healing will precede discussion of the principles and techniques of wound care intervention, and ulcer prevention including self-care. Lecture, demonstration, and group problem solving activities will help the student use critical thinking to synthesize available case information into a well-designed plan of care.
DPTN 598 - Treatment and Prevention of Wounds
Course Dates: Sunday, September 29, 2024, and Monday, September 30, 2024, 9 am to 5 pm
Instructor:Rufino Singson, PT
1.6 CEU / $200
Location: On campus (Central Islip, Long Island)
This course is a clinical course designed to provide the PDPT student with the knowledge, skills, and analytical abilities to examine, evaluate, diagnose, formulate a plan of care with prognosis, and manage patients with integument disorders such as impaired integument integrity, burns, edema, and sensory deficits. A thorough exploration of connective tissue layers, connective tissue repair, and wound healing will precede discussion of the principles and techniques of wound care intervention, and ulcer prevention including self-care. Lecture, demonstration, and group problem solving activities will help the student use critical thinking to synthesize available case information into a well-designed plan of care.
DPTN 550 - Clinical Medicine
Course Dates: Sunday, October 27, 2024, and Monday, October 28, 2024, 9 am to 5 pm
Video Conference: Sunday, November 24, 2024 and Monday, November 25, 2024, 9 am to 5 pm
Instructor:Olalekan Ogunsakin, MD/PhD, MBA, MPH
3.2 CEU / $400
Location: Hybrid course
This course is designed to introduce the student to the field of clinical sciences. It uses a systems approach to describe the material needed to understand diseases that require direct intervention of a physical therapist and analyze pharmacological management. This course is an integrated approach to clinical problem solving. We will focus on the etiology, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, and pharmacological management of common medical disorders encountered in hospital, clinic, and patient settings. This course is designed as an integrated approach of histology, pathophysiology, medicine and pharmacology with special attention to situations encountered in physical therapy practice.
DPTN 599 - Management and Treatment on a Patient with Hemiplegia
Course Dates: Sunday, November 3 through Wednesday, November 6, 2024 9 am - 5 pm
Instructor:Dr. Christopher Voltmer PT, PhD, NCS, MSCS, CFPS
3.2 CEU / $400
Location: On campus (Central Islip, Long Island)
This course addresses the evolution of the management and treatment of a patient following the development of hemiplegia. The goal of the course is to help the physical therapist in creating a realistic and unique approach to treating an individual with hemiplegia. Recent trends in rehabilitation will be explored. The most clinically significant current research will be discussed, and when appropriate demonstration with practice will be provided. Teaching will take place via lecture, group activity, literature search and laboratory practice, the student will learn the theories and applications of these processes.
DPTN 562 - Treatment of Lumbar/Pelvic Dysfunction
Course Dates: Sunday, December 8, 2024 and Monday, December 9, 2024 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Instructor: Dr. Maria Meigel DPT OCS CFMT
1.6 CEU / $200
Location: On campus (Central Islip, Long Island)
This introductory spine course is designed to build basic didactic knowledge clinical skills relating to the evaluation and management of lumbar spine and pelvic girdle pain. An overview of the anatomy, arthrokinematics and pathomechanics of the articular, neural, and myofascial structures is included. With emphasis on current evidence and APTA Clinical Practice Guidelines, the student will be introduced to common clinical subjective and objective presentations related to specific dysfunctions of the spine and pelvic girdle as per these guidelines. Building on this understanding, the course provides ample lab time to equip the student with the basic psychomotor skills necessary to successfully evaluate, classify and treat/manage pain and dysfunction of the lumbar spine and pelvic girdle. At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to classify a patient in a general treatment category and manage patients seen in the clinic who present with impairment and functional limitations in the lumbar spine and pelvic girdle.
DPTN 545 - Ethics-Physical Therapy
Course Dates: Sunday, December 15, 2024 and Monday, December 16, 2024
Instructor: Dr. Laura Hagan PT, PhD, DPT, MS
1.6 CEU / $200
Location: On campus (Central Islip, Long Island)
This course is grounded in moral philosophy and addresses topics that constitute Physical Therapy Ethics. The course is based on the premise that that the practice of physical therapists shares common ground with other health professions as well as having features which are unique to physical therapists. Students will have the opportunity to study and apply ethical concepts to their present and future practice in physical therapy. The course includes assigned readings, lectures, class discussions and practice in ethical analysis. The primary course objective is to assist the student in developing and utilizing a personal moral language that results in moral action.
Online Courses Offered
DPTN 588 - Special Topics in Physical Therapy
Course Dates: Monday evenings 6 pm to 9 pm ET, November 4, 18, 25, December 2, and 9 2024
Instructor: Christopher Voltmer PT DPT PhD NCS MSCS
1.6 CEU / $200
Location: Online synchronous
This on-line course is designed to provide the student with guidance and direction in comprehending the scope of practice for the doctoral level physical therapist. Students will review the basic scientific principles related to histology, genetics, and the immune response. Special topics will include the physical therapist’s role in the treatment of pain and the appropriate evaluation of the body systems treated. Students will learn the importance of interprofessional development, consultation services, supervision and delegation of activities, and discharge planning. The course will emphasize evidence-based rationale for selecting appropriate objective tests and for potential interventions. Various types of symptom clusters will be presented, and participants will be able to develop a highly effective treatment plan for specific conditions.
DPTN 584 - Diagnostic Application in Clinical Medicine
Course Dates: Sunday afternoon August to October 2024
Instructor: Vanessa Reddin, MD, PhD, MBA, MPH
3.2 CEU / $400
Location: Online synchronous
This on-line course is designed to introduce the Physical Therapy student to the field of clinical sciences. It uses a systems approach to describe the material needed to understand diseases that require direct intervention of a physical therapist and analyze pharmacological management. This course is an integrated approach to clinical problem solving and will utilize histology and pathology in the evolution of diseases that affect physical therapy practice.
This course will first focus on basic pathology, signs, symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of different diseases. The course will be taught using the systems approach. We will focus on the Pathophysiology, etiology, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, and pharmacological management of common medical disorders encountered in hospital, clinic, and patient settings. The pharmacological aspect of the lectures will address the mechanisms of action, therapeutic uses, side effects and drug interactions of medications used to treat disease. This course is designed as an integrated approach of histology, pathophysiology, medicine and pharmacology with special attention to situations encountered in physical therapy practice.
DPTN 589 - Integumentary System
Course Dates: Wednesday evenings 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm, October 9, November 13, and December 11
Instructor: Leah Verebes, PT, DPT
1.6 CEU / $200
Location: Online synchronous
This course is a clinical course designed to provide the Physical Therapy student with the knowledge, skills, and analytical abilities to examine, evaluate, diagnose, formulate a plan of care with prognosis, and manage patients with integument disorders such as impaired integument integrity, burns, edema, and restricted lymphatic drainage. A thorough exploration of connective tissue layers, connective tissue repair, and wound healing will precede discussion of the principles and techniques of massage, myofascial release, wound care intervention, and ulcer prevention.
Lecture, demonstration, and group problem solving activities will help the student use critical thinking to synthesize available case information into a well-designed plan of care
Spring 2025 Continuing Education Course Schedule
In Person Courses Offered
DPTN 500 - Essentials of Physical Therapy
Course Dates: Sunday February 2 and Monday February 3, 2025
Instructor: Dr. Christopher Voltmer, PT, DPT, PhD, NCS, MSCS
1.6 CEU / $200
Location: On campus (Central Islip, Long Island)
This course is designed to provide the student with guidance and direction in comprehending the scope of practice for the doctoral level physical therapist. Student will review the basic scientific principles related to histology, genetics, and the immune response. Special topics will include the physical therapist role in the treatment of pain and the appropriate evaluation of the body systems treated. Students will learn the importance of interprofessional development, consultation services, supervision and delegation of activities, and discharge planning. The course will emphasize evidence-based rationale for selecting appropriate objective tests and for potential interventions. Various types of symptom clusters will be presented, and participants will be able to develop a highly effective treatment plan for specific conditions.
DPTN 525 - Management and Health Care Delivery
Course Dates: Sunday February 9 and Monday February 10, 2025 9am to 5pm
Instructor: Michael Langino, MPT, MBA
1.6 CEU / $200
Location: On campus (Central Islip, Long Island)
This course is aimed at providing the participant with a theoretical basis of successful management principles as well as practical implementation strategies for these principles as they apply to the field of Physical Therapy. The course will include emphasis in the following areas:
- Basic management principles: Planning, Leading, Organizing & Controlling
- Basic Budgeting
- Business plan development
- Change Management
- Risk Management
- Application of management principles for return to work and community reintegration
APTN 532 - Advanced Treatment of the Hand
Course dates: Sunday February 23, 2025 and Monday February 24, 2025 9 am to 5 pm
Instructor: Boris Gilzon, PT, DPT, OCS, CHT
1.6 CEU / $200
Location: On Campus (Central Islip, Long Island)
An elective course aimed at refining the student’s ability to critically examine and evaluate patients/clients with hand injury and/or dysfunction. The student will learn how specific hand anatomy affects pathological conditions of the hand and dictates the treatment. The student will compare, and contrast examination and intervention techniques related to the hand, wrist, and forearm. The course is aimed at teaching the student how to choose and design intervention programs incorporating appropriate hand orthotics.
DPTN 577 - Sports Physical Therapy
Course Dates: Sunday March 9, 2025 and Monday March 10, 2025 9 am to 5 pm
Instructor: Raymond Mattfeld, PT, DPT, OCS, ATC
1.6 CEU / $200
Location: On Campus (Central Islip, Long Island)
This course will address the evolution of sports physical therapy. A physical therapist role on the sports medicine team. This course will emphasize examination, evaluation and intervention for dysfunction that occur in sports physical therapy. Emphasis will be placed on an understanding of the pathophysiological basis for musculoskeletal dysfunction and the integration of the therapeutic process for the restoration of function of the patient with dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. Recent trends in sport rehabilitation will be explored. This class presents the physical therapy student with the fundamental principles and concepts as they relate to sports musculoskeletal clinical practice and will progress to exposure to, and integration of, accepted intervention and advanced therapeutic techniques. Through lecture and problem-solving sessions, we will investigate all sports musculoskeletal practice.
DPTN 501 - Evaluation and Treatment of the Geriatric Patient
Course Dates: Sun March 15, Mon March 16, Tues March 17 and Wed March 18, 2025
Instructor: Dr. Christopher Voltmer, PT, DPT, PhD, NCS, MSCS
3.2 CEU / $400
Location: On Campus (Central Islip, Long Island)
2050 and the age cohort of 85 or older is a fast-growing segment in the population. With aging, the neuromuscular and metabolic systems undergo natural changes. The likelihood of clinicians working with the geriatric population is ever increasing and the need for knowledge of the population cohort is critical for therapists. This course will present age-related changes and diseases conditions affecting both the neuromuscular and metabolic systems. The student will participate in interactive learning activities that will guide the development of proficiency in geriatric physical therapy assessment and intervention. Through lecture, laboratory, role playing, and group problem solving the student will learn to use critical thinking to analyze the problem presented, synthesize the solution, and communicate this sequence with other health professionals and patients or clients. Problems introduced are representative of those that clinicians encounter in all practice settings.
DPTN 537 - Nutrition for Prevention and Wellness
Course Dates: Monday March 31 and Tuesday April 1, 2025, 9 am to 5 pm
Instructor: Christina Hahl, RD, CDN
1.6 CEU / $200
Location: On Campus (Central Islip, Long Island)
This course is designed for students in physical therapy who may require elective credits toward their degree. The role of nutrition and the decisions we make about the food we eat has a critical impact on our quality of life and risk of chronic disease. Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined with physical activity, your diet can help you reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases, and promote your overall health. Students will develop a basic understanding of nutrition with emphasis on human biological needs through the stages of life and the role nutrition plays in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This course will:
- Introduce students to the basic understanding of nutrition
- Help students to identify dietary sources, intake levels, physiological role, and requirements of major nutrients
- The role of nutrition in growth and health through the life cycle
- The role of diet in the development of chronic disease, cancers, diabetes, etc.
DPTN 568 - Treatment of the Cervical/Thoracic Dysfunction
Course Dates: Sunday April 6 and Monday April 7, 2025, 9 am to 5 pm
Instructor: Maria Meigel, PT, DPT, OCS, CFMT
1.6 CEU / $200
Location: On Campus (Central Islip, Long Island)
This introductory cervical, thoracic spine and costal cage course is designed to build basic didactic knowledge and clinical skills relating to the evaluation and management of cervical, thoracic, and costal cage pain. An overview of the anatomy, arthrokinematics and pathomechanics of the articular, neural, and myofascial structures is included. With emphasis on current evidence and APTA Clinical Practice Guidelines, the student will be introduced to common clinical subjective and objective presentations related to specific dysfunctions of the cervical/thoracic spine and costal cage as per these guidelines. Building on this understanding, the course provides ample lab time to equip the student with the basic psychomotor skills necessary to successfully evaluate, classify and treat/manage pain and dysfunction of the cervical and thoracic spine and costal cage. After this course, students will be able to classify a patient in a general treatment category and manage patients seen in the clinic who present with impairment and functional limitations in this area.
DPTN 567 - Foot and Ankle
Course Dates: Sunday - Wednesday April 27, 28, 29, 30, 2025 9 am to 5 pm
Instructor: David Volkringer, PT, OCS
Assistant: Jessica Smith, PT, DPT
3.2 CEU / $400
Location: On Campus (Central Islip, Long Island)
This is a 4-day intensive course that provides the student with an in-depth review of anatomy, physiology, arthrokinematics and pathomechanics of the foot and ankle as it relates to the lower extremity kinetic chain. Emphasis is placed on the study of normal and abnormal mechanics of the foot and ankle in both the open and closed kinetic chains. Evaluation and treatment of various foot and ankle dysfunctions are included, and the students are exposed to current methodologies regarding the evaluation for the fabrication of customizable orthotic devices as a treatment adjunct.
DPTN 524 - Clinical Instructor Credentialing
Course Dates: Sunday May 4, 2025 and Monday May 5, 2025, 9 am to 5 pm
Instructor: Farica Bialstock, PT, DPT, MS
1.6 CEU / $200 Plus APTA Registration Fee
Location: On Campus (Central Islip, Long Island)
The Credentialed Clinical Instructor Program (CCIP) provides clinicians with the skills and information necessary to provide a structured learning environment and enhanced educational experience for students. Course content reflects an interdisciplinary approach to experiential learning methods, with an emphasis on didactic content related to clinical teaching, supervision, and evaluation. Participants are expected to understand and integrate the behaviors and traits of highly effective educators, role models, and mentors into their performance as a clinical instructor.
PTRN 569 - High Velocity Thrust
Course Dates: Sunday - Wednesday May 18, 19, 20, 21, 2025 9 am to 5 pm
Instructor: Gary Welch, PT, DPT, CFCE, CFMT, CKTP, COMT
3.2 CEU / $400 Plus
Location: On Campus (Central Islip, Long Island)
Combining lectures, demonstrations, and hands on laboratory sessions, this course will emphasize the application of evidence-based practice in all areas of spinal management. Where little evidence exists, a pragmatic approach integrating basic principles of biomechanics and pathokinesiology will be used. An introduction to the biomechanics, dysfunction types, and their respective terminology will be provided. An integrated model of physical therapy examination and evaluation of spinal disorders will be presented. Then, a physical therapy management approach of manual therapy of the spine and pelvis combined with patient education and exercise will be discussed and incorporated. The course will devote lab time to carefully monitor skills of palpation, examination, and interventions.
DPTN 557 - Orthopedic Theory and Assessment
Course Dates: Sunday May 18 and Monday May 19, 2025
Instructor: Melinda Stoski PT, DPT, MSPT, OCS, CPI, CCI
1.6 CEU / $200 Plus
Location: On Campus (Central Islip, Long Island)
This course coordinates the sciences of histology, anatomy, and kinesiology with assessment and treatment of soft tissue dysfunction in common orthopedic and movement disorders. The course will introduce the student to appropriate manual techniques for soft tissue dysfunction based on an anatomical clinical screening and complete assessment of the musculoskeletal system. Focus will be directed to the relevant tissue and regional anatomy, central and peripheral neural integrity, reflexes, and differential diagnosis. The application of regional interdependence and references to EBP (Evidence based practice) will be integrated by the instructor in helping students with the decision-making process. This course emphasizes to the novice and expert clinician the importance of using informed clinical decision-making in tissue causation and treatment options for common functional imbalances.
Online Courses Offered
PTRN 529 - Differential Diagnosis Orthopedics
Course Dates: Sunday February 9, 2025 and Monday February 10, 2025 8:30 am to 5 pm
Instructor: Michele Roy BSc, PT, MCPA, FCAMT
1.6 CEU / $200
Location: Online via Zoom
The course will utilize case-based instruction to demonstrate specific conditions and the decision-making processes utilized to attain their complete management. It is designed to develop beginning to intermediate clinical reasoning skills in the field of orthopaedic manual physical therapy. Participants will study an evidence-informed approach to clinical reasoning and develop the skills to generate an initial patho-anatomical diagnostic hypothesis. We will look at reason-based development of individualized assessment sequences aimed at patient/client classification into: management of an initial diagnosis, progression to a specific, segmental, joint-centered biomechanical examination sequence, symptom/intervention/rule-based classification groupings, or referral to another health-care provider. The participants will identify the concepts of health, function, pain behaviors and their role in total patient/client management.