Faculty & Staff

Our exceptional faculty is equally committed to the PT profession, patient care and education. 

Jill Horbacewicz

Jill Horbacewicz, PT, MA, PhD

Chair, PT Programs (DPT, OPTR, PPDPT) Director, Doctor of Physical TherapyAssociate Professor, Doctor of Physical Therapy

Melinda Stoski, PT, DPT, MSPT, BSPT, OCS

Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Physical Therapy Residency, Post-Professional Doctor of Physical TherapyDirector, Orthopedic Physical Therapy Residency, Post-Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy

Jeanne Fasano

Associate Director, Orthopedic Physical Therapy Residency
Farica Bialstock

Farica Bialstock, PT, DPT, MS

Adjunct Faculty, Orthopedic Physical Therapy Residency, Post-Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy

Michael Dombrowski, PT, DPT, TPI

Teaching Assistant, Orthopedic Physical Therapy ResidencyAdjunct Faculty, Post-Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy

Boris Gilzon, PT, DPT, OSC, CHT

Adjunct Faculty, Orthopedic Physical Therapy Residency, Post-Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy
Laura Hagan

Laura Hagan, PT, PhD, DPT, MS

Associate Director, Manhattan Campus, Doctor of Physical TherapyAssociate Professor, Doctor of Physical TherapyAdjunct Faculty, Post-Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy

Christine Hahl, RD, RDN

Adjunct Faculty, Post-Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy

Casey Imperio, PhD

Research Coordinator, Long Island Campus, Doctor of Physical TherapyAssistant Professor, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Post-Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy

Joseph Indelicato, PhD

Adjunct Professor, Post-Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy

Rolando Lazaro, PT, PhD, DPT, FNAP

Adjunct Faculty, Orthopedic Physical Therapy Residency, Post-Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy

Nathaniel Mailloux, PT, DPT, OCS

Director of Clinical Residency Education, Orthopedic Physical Therapy ResidencyAdjunct Faculty, Orthopedic Physical Therapy Residency, Post-Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy

Raymond Mattfeld, PT, DPT, OCS, ATC

Adjunct Faculty, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Post-Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy

Maria Meigel, PT, DPT, OCS

Adjunct Faculty, Orthopedic Physical Therapy Residency, Post-Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy

Olalekan Ogunsakin, MD, PhD, MBA, MPH

Adjunct Faculty, Post-Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy

Rufino Singson, PT

Adjunct Faculty, Post-Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy

Leah Verebes, PT, DPT, GCS

Assistant Professor, Doctor of Physical TherapyAdjunct Faculty, Post-Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy

David Volkringer, PT, MPT, OCS

Adjunct Faculty, Orthopedic Physical Therapy Residency, Post-Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy
Christopher Voltmer

Christopher Voltmer, PT, DPT, NCS, MSCS, PhD

Associate Professor, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Post-Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy

Yuval Yaari, PT, DPT, CSCS

Adjunct Faculty, Orthopedic Physical Therapy Residency, Post-Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy