Research Module
Our goal is to train astute clinicians who not only have the skills to analyze and understand the medical literature, but also understand issues in health care policy and delivery in the larger context of our society.
The research part of the curriculum is in the latter part of the program and in the culminating semester at the Manhattan campus only. Courses in Applied Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Research Methods & Literature Review and Evidence-Based Medicine give students the tools they need to evaluate the medical literature; determine the applicability of data to medical practice; and apply evidence-based principles to the care of their patients.
Students are given the opportunity to explore ethical problems in health care as they relate to policy development in Medical Ethics & Health Care Policy. As future health care professionals set to practice in a complex and dynamic health care system, our students explore keys and barriers to care in Health Care Delivery Systems. This preparation assists the graduating PA to understand complex, clinically-related issues and their impact on population health.
In the culminating semester and in the months leading up to that final semester, our PA students are researching a clinically-relevant medical or health care issue and producing a master's paper that reviews the issue in depth. During this process they analyze the relationship of the issue to individual and/or population health; synthesize findings in the literature with their own novel conclusions; make clear recommendations for clinicians and/or patients; and, subsequently, obtain a unique and comprehensive knowledge of their chosen issue.
For questions regarding the master's curriculum please contact:
Danielle Varney, MS, PA-C
Associate Program Director
Assistant Professor