Pediatric Mind Body Health Lab
Dr. Emily Winter’s research interests include the interaction between mind and body, specifically how psychological evidence-based interventions can aid in improving overall physical health and wellbeing of children, adolescents, and their families. Her research focuses on several mind-body health interventions, such as video self-modeling, mindfulness, nature/animals, and guided imagery can be used to support individuals with various physical and mental health conditions such as stuttering disorders, asthma, anxiety, amongst other physical and mental health concerns.
Trained as a school psychologist, with a passion for supporting children, adolescents, and their families, Dr. Winter’s clinical work and research focuses from a child-centered perspective. Children are of upmost importance in her research, dedication to intervention, and clinical practice.
Dr. Winter is also interested in youth sports participation and the role of coach in eating disorder prevention and mental health identification. Her school psychology roots are showcased in her research, as she aims to develop best practices for school athletic departments, coaching staff, school-based mental health providers, and families to aid in swift identification and referral to services, as well as engage in active preventative programming, training, and intervention.
This lab seeks to develop research aimed at practitioners to bridge the research-to-practice gap to benefit youth, adolescents, and their families directly in effective, low-cost, and brief interventions.
Dr. Winter works directly with graduate students to support their growth as scholars and researchers. There are ample opportunities for participation in research at various stages, from research design and project implementation to manuscript publication and presentation at various national conferences.

Emily Winter, PhD, NCSP
Dr. Winter’s areas of clinical research include mind-body health interventions, the intersection between athletics and eating disorders, and cognitive assessment.
Dr. Winter’s Recent Publications
- Theodore, L. A., Bracken, B. A., Bray, M. A., Bray, M. A., Winter, E. L., Bray, A., deLeyer-Tiarks, J. M., & Aravala, S. (2024). Chapter 33: Asthma in Children and Adolescents. Desk Reference in School Psychology. Retrieved from https://touroscholar.touro.edu/shs_pubs/319
- Theodore, L. A., Bracken, B. A., Bray, M. A., Bellara, A. P., Winter, E. L., deLeyer-Tiarks, J. M., & Freise, L. R. (2024). Chapter 27: Tourette Syndrome in Children and Adolescents. Desk Reference in School Psychology. Retrieved from https://touroscholar.touro.edu/shs_pubs/320
- Winter, E. L., Bellara, A., Bray, M., Puhl, R., Kaufman, A., Trudel, S., & La Salle-Finley, T. (2024). Fat Phobia Among Youth Sport Coaches. Journal of Sport and Social Issues. https://doi.org/10.1177/01937235231223988
- Winter, E. L., Mason, C., & Stillman, C. (2024). Eating Disorders, School Professionals, and Understanding Family Theory. Psychology in the Schools. https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.23339
- Caemmerer, J. M., deLeyer-Tiarks, J. M., Dale, B. A., Winter, E. L., Charamut, N. R., Scudder, A. M., Peters, E. C., Bray, M. A., & Kaufman, A. S. (2024). Does the Bayley-4 Measure the Same Constructs Across Girls and Boys and Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers?. Psychological Assessment. https://doi.org/10.1037/pas0001337
- Trudel, S., Winter, E. L., & Guerrera, M. (2024). Nature as Medicine and Classroom: Evaluating an Innovative, Outdoor Course for Medical and Dental Students. Global Advances in Integrative Medicine and Health, 13. https://doi.org/10.1177/27536130241246788
- Winter, E. L., Sheehan, K., & Maharjan, S. (2024). Mind–Body Health Strategies for Supporting Student-Athletes. Communique, 52 (6), 27-29. Retrieved from https://touroscholar.touro.edu/shs_pubs/315
Our Students in the Lab

Sachiko Maharjan, MA
Hometown: Queens, NY; Kathmandu, Nepal
Undergraduate School: New York University, BA

Casey Stillman, MAT
Hometown: Manhattan, NY
Undergraduate School: Franklin & Marshall College
Graduate School(s): Relay School of Education

Precious Gordon, MA
Hometown: Rockaway, NY
Undergraduate School: SUNY Brockport

Lyndsey Gillespie, MA
Hometown: Astoria, NY
Undergraduate School: St. John’s University

Alexandra Kastamonitis, MA
Hometown: New York
Undergraduate School: Stony Brook University
Undergraduate Major: Psychology; Pre-Med
Graduate School(s): New York University

Abigail McCleary, BA
Hometown: New York
Undergraduate School: Hartwick College
Undergraduate Major: Psychology and Business Administration

Cynthia Lando, MA
Hometown: New Jersey
Undergraduate School: Rutgers University
Undergraduate Major: Psychology and Cognitive Science
Graduate School(s): Rutgers Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology- MA in Applied Psychology

Maria Rotolo
Hometown: Brooklyn, New York
Undergraduate School: Wagner College
Undergraduate Major: Biopsychology on Pre-Med Track
Undergraduate Minor: Cultural Compete
Rachel Rahmanou
Hometown: New York
Undergraduate School: CUNY, Queens College
Undergraduate Major: Psychology
Lab Partners
We love collaborating with practitioners in the field and scholars from other organizations to grow our professional network, create meaningful interdisciplinary work, and foster meaningful relationships with colleagues in the field. Here are some of our partners who we are working with currently on projects.
Current Partners:
- Claire Mason, MA – Fairfield University School Psychology Graduate Student
- Erin Micali, PsyD – Sasco River Center Post Doctoral Neuropsychology Fellow
- Mykelle S. Coleman, PhD – School Psychologist
- Melanie Brown, PhD - Sasco River Center Licensed Psychologist
Current Projects
- Interdisciplinary collaboration for low cost/pro-bono psychoeducational evaluations
- Comprehensive literature reviews on school-based eating disorder care
- School-based recommendations for Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
- Intelligence and Aging
Upcoming Accepted Conference Presentations
Gordon, P., & Winter, E. (Accepted). Exploring eating disorder symptomology in Caribbean children. [Virtual Poster Presentation]. 2025 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO.
Maharjan, S., Gillespie, L., Gordon, P., Winter, E., & Micali, E. (Accepted). Evaluating pro-bono psychological services in clinical practice. [Virtual Poster Presentation]. 2025 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO.
Winter, E., Dale, B.A., Bray, M., Maharjan, S., Lando, C., Larsen, C., & Kaufman, A. (Accepted). The newly updated WAIS-5 and the state of aging. [Poster Presentation]. 2025 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO.
Micali, E., Gillespie, L., Winter, E., Maharjan, S., & Lando, C. (Accepted). Exploring the literature surrounding ethics and artificial intelligence. [Virtual Poster Presentation]. 2025 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO.
Stillman, C., Maharjan, S., Gordon, P., Mason, C., Micali, E., & Winter, E. (Accepted). Welcoming and supporting neurodiversity in immersive higher education settings. [Virtual Poster Presentation]. 2025 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO.